Living “An Active Life With an Overactive Bladder”
One of our very own, Twila Yednock, the Simon Foundation’s Director of Special Events, spent two entire days this summer welcoming a film crew from WebMD into her home. Telling her story, which they entitled “An Active Life With an Overactive Bladder,” Twila speaks about her change from hiding her bladder challenges, to being open about an Overactive Bladder (OAB) to friends and colleagues. As an active curling Skip for most of her adult life, this sport led to traveling all over the country and abroad to compete in Bonspiels.

In WebMD’s short film, Twila speaks about how she used the strategic abilities she learned as a Skip and the challenges she faced as a landscape designer (often working far from a washroom), in order to tame her OAB and live such an active life.

Click the photo of Twila below to access the video.

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Kaoru Nishimura, RN with both the English and Japanese versions of the Simon Foundation’s book
To order the book in English:
Managing Life with Incontinence IN JAPANESE
The Foundation’s second book, Managing Life with Incontinence, was recently published in Japan. The book was translated into Japanese by Kaoru Nishimura, RN.

Nishimura-san is the the Founder of the Japan Continence Action Society and a recipient of the Simon Foundation’s 2017 John J. Humpal Award for her lifetime achievements promoting continence throughout all of Japan. She trained as a Continence Advisor in England and returned to Japan to both treat patients and teach other nurses about the tremendous need for helping their patients with this health condition.


The latest edition of the Foundation’s popular newsletter, The Informer, can be found at If you prefer your own hard copy, please send a self addressed stamped envelope to The Simon Foundation for Continence, P.O. Box 815, Wilmette, IL 60091.

Be sure to read the article “A Salute to One of the Finest”, about James Partridge. James never declined a request to come to Chicago (our headquarter city) to lend his expertise on defeating stigma. Changing Faces, the British charity James founded to help others (who like him had facial disfigurements) work to defeat the stigma around facial differences. James, however, had a passion for defeating stigma that was even broader. He died recently of cancer. It cannot be said of many that they will be missed worldwide. Of James, this truth can be said.

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November is Bladder Health Awareness Month!

The Simon Foundation for Continence continues to build awareness regarding bladder health so that patients, caregivers, and medical health professionals can feel supported in playing active roles in bladder health. We will be adding extra posts on bladder topics along with facts on issues pertaining to urinary incontinence on our Facebook social media page during November.

Our Foundation is a founding member of the Bladder Health Alliance, which coordinates the activities for Bladder Health Month each year in the USA. The Alliance has over 25 patient advocacy organizations that participate in the planning and coordination of this event each year.

You can also visit our website to read informational Fact Sheets on bladder health, and to access our newest resource, an Incontinence disclosure toolkit, To Tell or Not To Tell.

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Members of the Bladder Health Alliance meeting in Washington, D.C.


We wish to extend a very special thank you to all our donors who continue to contribute to the work of the Foundation during what is a difficult economic time for many. We continue to need your help as our work never slows down. If your circumstances allow, please consider making a donation, of any amount, to help us continue serving the millions who are affected by incontinence.

The Simon Foundation for Continence is a registered charitable foundation qualified

 under IRS code section 501(c)3. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by US law. EIN 36-3252903

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