Let’s participate in World Continence Week 2023

WCW 2023 – 19-23rd June 2023

World Continence Week Toolkit

WFIPP is pleased to announce that the World Continence Week (WCW) toolkit for 2023 is now available online (Resources Archive – WFIPP.org).  Included in this toolkit are the various WCW2023 posters! All created to help you promote World Continence Week 2023 across the globe.

World Continence Week (WCW) is an annual initiative devised and managed by WFIPP, with the endorsement and support of the International Continence Society (ICS), European Association of Urology(EAU) and the Ibero-American Society of Neurourology and Urogynecology (SINUG).

It is a global initiative intended to raise awareness of bladder & bowel issues, chronic pelvic pain and other debilitating conditions which impact greatly on the lives of patients and carers. Our main theme for 2023 is Commitment to Collaboration in Continence Care (the 4 C’s Project).

This year WFIPP is arranging a series of dedicated webinars whereby individual companies will be able to present their innovative device/treatment. Furthermore, there will be a very special webinar/or roundtable dedicated to the 4 C’s Project (Commitment to Collaboration in Continence Care and a special webinar organized together with ECHAlliance about Stigma and Taboo, both with prominent speakers from across the globe.

For more information about the 4 C’s Project please go to: Press Release: A commitment to collaboration in continence care between international scientific societies and patient organizations – WFIPP.org

Clearly, the objective is to raise global awareness of such conditions and help remove stigmas and taboos via events, publications, press releases and the like. This with a view to providing a reliable and easily accessible forum for those seeking information – patients, families, carers, healthcare professionals, institutions(scientific and academic) and industry and of course all the patient advisory groups around the world.

And now it is your turn, either individually or via your various organizations, to get the message out loud and clear. The success of this global awareness-raising campaign really depends on a massive collaborative effort. WFIPP trusts you will use the toolkit to the full and asks you/your organization to hold as many events as possible to promote WCW23. WFIPP trusts you will use the toolkit to the full and asks you/your organization in turn to hold as many events as possible to promote WCW 2023.

After all, bladder weakness alone (notwithstanding faecal incontinence) affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 10 men and is more common than hay fever. So the message is simple: let’s get out there and ‘do something’ for the 400+ million to ensure the success of WCW23

Please share with WFIPP all your World Continence Week 2023 events, photographs, podcasts, videos, social media campaigns etc. in order to make one big collective image after WCW23.

Hashtags: #commitmenttocollaborationincontinencecare#WCW2023 #continencematters #supportincontinence