WORKSHOP 25 January: Moving pregnancy pharmacovigilance into the 21st century

Pregnancy cohorts, registries & safety monitoring

On 25 January 2022, the IMI ConcePTION project is organising an online workshop on improving how we collect information to understand the risks and benefits of medicine use in pregnancy and breastfeeding. We invite women, their partners, health care professionals, researchers and representatives from companies that develop medicines and authorities that approve them to join us. Your input will help us fill some of the knowledge gaps on the safety of medicines in pregnancy and breastfeeding, and help us to understand where there are barriers and problems with the existing systems!

Find out more & register to join the workshop!

Women who are pregnant and the babies they breastfeed, deserve to know if a medicine is safe. The ConcePTION project has a huge and difficult task ahead: Building a system for drug safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding. Universities, the pharmaceutical companies that develop medicines, the authorities that approve medicines and monitor safety, women and their doctors need to work together to solve a complicated puzzle: Turning data into evidence! Watch this clip and more ConcePTION videos on YouTube

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Bridging the knowledge gap for medicine safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding

More than 5 million women get pregnant in the EU every year and a majority takes at least one medication during pregnancy. As few as 5% of available medications have been adequately monitored, tested and labelled with safety information for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women. The field, while inherently difficult to study, has suffered from a lack of systematically gathered insights that could lead to more effective data generation methodologies. Fragmentation and misinformation results in confusing and contradictory communication and perception of risks by both health professionals and women and their families. The IMI Conception project’s mission is to bridge this knowledge gap, developing infrastructures that together make up an ecosystem for medicine safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding!  Want to know more? Sign up to receive news from us!

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