On 17 and 18 October, the Health Outcomes Observatory (H2O) project held its General Assembly meeting in Basel, Switzerland. This was the first in-person general assembly for H2O, which began in October 2020.

Our EPF colleagues LyudmilValentina , and  Estefania attended the meeting to represent our work on bringing patient engagement to the core of the project.

The event was kicked-off with an insightful keynote address from Seonaid McNabb, a member of the project Patient Advisory Boards. Valentina Strammiello and Estefania Cordero, with support from JDRF consortium partner Carmen Hurtado, led a session on patient empowerment; and our colleague Lyudmil Ninov, together with Carmen Hurtado, led a session on patient value propositions. Keep reading here for her full update.

H2O aims to set up patient-centric, pan-European, and national observatories to amplify the patient voice in their own healthcare and in healthcare systems more broadly. It is a project funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (Innovative Health Initiative).

Learn more about H2O, EPF’s involvement, and how the project is bringing value to patients.