Please see below this very important report and presentation regarding assistive techology (pads) for incontinence at the GReAT consultation taking place today and tomorrow in Geneva, Switzerland. Jacqueline Cahill, Vice-President WFIP is presenting on this topic.
Improving access to incontinence AT in developing and resource-constrained countries
Jacqueline Cahill, BSW
CEO, The Canadian Continence Foundation and Vice-President WFIP
D. Wayne Taylor, PhD
Retired professor, McMaster University
Abstract: Incontinence, as opposed to other disabilities in need of AT (Assistive Technology) , is hidden, silent and much more shameful. Recent research in Canada has documented just how under-reported and managed both urinary and fecal incontinence remains exerting huge social and economic pressures on the affected individuals, their families and society as a whole. Almost 9% of the world’s population suffers from incontinence making it, if it were a country, the third largest in the world. Reported prevalence may differ by country, population or region but incontinence is a global health issue. The barriers to access to incontinence AT has been documented for developed countries and the barriers to access to healthcare generally has been documented for low-income countries but access to AT for incontinence in low- and middle-income countries has not been examined to date. This paper attempts to close this gap in knowledge as yet another piece in the AT puzzle being assembled by the GReAT Consultation. This paper also calculates a conservative return on investment if incontinence was properly managed in developing and resource-constrained countries.
Open this link for more information
WHO GReAT2019 Incontinence AT (assistive Technology) presentation.pptx