Webinar on automated bladder diaries by Minze Health

THURSDAY 23rd JUNE 2022 – 15.30-16.30 HRS (CET)

Jiri Vermeulen, Wilfried Woesthuis, Minze Health and Prof. Stefan De Wachter, urologist at the University Hospital in Antwerp

The automated bladder diary is a product intended to increase the patient compliance, usability and reliability of bladder diaries. Bladder diaries are an important tool ideally used throughout the patient pathway, for the diagnosis and treatment evaluation of patients suffering from LUTS. It is recommended by international and national urology and uro-gynaecology associations and guidelines. It is somewhat cumbersome for patients to keep bladder diaries and involves a lot of work for the healthcare provider to process and evaluate diaries. During the patient treatment process, paper-based bladder diaries are often lost, which makes it almost impossible for a healthcare provider to evaluate objectively the effects of a treatment. Minze’s automated bladder diary will lead to better diagnosis and treatment follow up, improving the lives of patients suffering from LUTS.

THURSDAY 23rd JUNE 2022 – 15.30-16.30 HRS (CET)

Jiri Vermeulen, Wilfried Woesthuis, Minze Health and Prof. Stefan De Wachter, urologist at the University Hospital in Antwerp

The automated bladder diary is a product intended to increase the patient compliance, usability and reliability of bladder diaries. Bladder diaries are an important tool ideally used throughout the patient pathway, for the diagnosis and treatment evaluation of patients suffering from LUTS. It is recommended by international and national urology and uro-gynaecology associations and guidelines. It is somewhat cumbersome for patients to keep bladder diaries and involves a lot of work for the healthcare provider to process and evaluate diaries. During the patient treatment process, paper-based bladder diaries are often lost, which makes it almost impossible for a healthcare provider to evaluate objectively the effects of a treatment. Minze’s automated bladder diary will lead to better diagnosis and treatment follow up, improving the lives of patients suffering from LUTS.