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A recap of the first ever in-person EAU22 Patient Day, 4 July
The EAU Patient Office thanks all the speakers, chairs, and supporters for making the first in-person Patient Day on 4 July at EAU22, such a big success! Please take a moment to read this summary of the many interesting topics discussed during EAU22 Patient Day.
Patient Poster Presentations
The Patient Day started with the Patient Poster Presentation where the top 3 winners Mrs. Sarah Collen, Ms. Saran Green and Ms. Melanie Costin were awarded for their patient poster. Congratulations to the winners and we thank all who submitted their abstract for their enormous effort and their willingness to share their story.
Two Roundtable Discussions: Sustainable Continence Care & Fatigue in Prostate Cancer patients
In the long anticipated Roundtable discussion Sustainable Continence Care organised by the WFIPP, the stigma attached to incontinence was addressed and solutions as to how do we minimise the waste produced by absorbents. Other topics discussed in this session:
E-health as support in sustainable continence care,
Urologist having a crucial role to play in developing sustainable continence care; and
The answer to how communities and society can best support self-care/self-management for patients and people with incontinence.
Prof. Philip Cornford (GB), chaired the Roundtable Fatigue in Prostate Cancer patients, in which was addressed how fatigue impact the lives of PCa patients, which goes beyond the “feeling tired” that healthy people feel: mental, physical and emotional fatigue, such as brain fog, depression, change in physical performance, falls and the need to change life.
The key question that every health professionals must ask the patients and really listen to are; “What does fatigue mean to you? What’s important to you? What have you tried? How was that?”
Patient Lounge
The highlight of this year was the first-ever Patient Lounge, which was well-received and used by especially patient advocates as a space to socialise, have small meetings and enjoy a cup of coffee. A total of 6 Patient Poster Abstracts could be seen on the e-Kiosk.
Patient Artwork
And there was the first ever EAU Patient Art Gallery, by Mrs. Michal Saar Bleiweiss, throughout the whole congress, portraying her patient experience with her CT-scans turned into Artwork. The artwork was also shown on the e-Kiosk in the Patient Lounge.
Patient-focussed sessions
The Patient Day continued with several Patient-focussed sessions on the topics of Functional Urology, Prostate Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Kidney Cancer and ended with the session on Life after Cancer Treatment.
A special thanks to:
The World Federation of Incontinence and Pelvic Problems (WFIPP),
The World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition (WBCPC),
The International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC), and
Europa Uomo,
for their contribution in the development of the session programmes.
All EAU Patient Day sessions will be available via EAU22 On Demand on the EAU22 Resource Centre.
EAU22 Patient Day was supported by an unrestricted grant from Pfizer Oncology.